Elegant Home, Garden, Office Decor, Products, Gifts and Collectibles

(Print) Order Form

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Bird Houses
(Scented Jar) Candles
Candle Holders
Candle Lamps
Chess Sets
Garden Decor
Home Decor
Kitchen Items
Outdoor Products
Wall Decor
(Outdoor) Water Fountains
Water Fountains (Solar Powered)
Wine & Bar
(Print) Order Form
Make Money With Us - Wholesaling!

There are 2 ways you can order. 

1. If you are ordering with a credit card, simply click on the "ADD TO CART" button linked beneath each product. It will keep a total of what you ordered and will process your transaction. Once payment is confirmed by our PAYPAL merchant account, we will process and deliver your order.

2. If you ordering by mail, simply print out, fill in and mail this order form to: 

O'Hara Enterprises
Dept. EHD
325 Hawthorne Street
Orange, NJ 07050
Please send me the following items:
  Item#                            Description                              Qnty        Total

______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______
______   __________________________    ___  $______

                                                          Merchandise Total:     $________

       (New Jersey residents only), add 7% sales tax:
                           Shipping & Handling Fee (see chart below):   $________
                                 Total Amount Enclosed: $________
Shipping & Handling Fees:
Up to $50.00, add $8.00.
From $50.01 - $99.00, add $10.00
$100.00 and over,add 10% of merchandise total..
I have enclosed a __ check __ money order for $___________.
Please send  to:
Name ________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
City _______________ State ____ Zip _________